Volunteer Preference Information

1. Ushering/Greeting:

Welcoming people as they arrive for services, handing out bulletins, and helping visitors find seats.

2. Children's Ministry:

Assisting with Sunday School classes, children's church, or nursery care.

3. Music Ministry:

Singing in the choir, playing an instrument, or helping with sound and technical aspects of worship services.

4. Hospitality:

Helping with coffee hours, potluck meals, or other fellowship events.

5. Teaching:

Leading adult education classes, Bible studies, or discipleship groups.

6. Outreach:

Participating in community service projects, organizing missions trips, or reaching out to the less fortunate.

7. Administration:

Assisting with office tasks, event planning, or managing the church's social media presence.

8. Prayer Ministry:

Leading prayer groups, organizing prayer chains, or praying with individuals in need.

9. Facilities Maintenance:

Helping with cleaning, landscaping, or general upkeep of the church building.

10. Technology Support:

Assisting with audiovisual equipment during services, managing the church website, or providing technical support for online events or streaming services.